Corporate Social Responsibility

A responsible Group

Save the Children 

As a partner of Save the Children, the doValue Group supports the Spazio Mamme centre in Rome in order to make a contribution towards improving the lives of socially disadvantaged mothers and children living in poverty and deprivation.

Find out more about the SAVE THE CHILDREN project >>
Save the children

LifeGate PlasticLess

 doValue has joined the LifeGate PlasticLess®initiative and supports the Tourist Port of Rome, providing a device, the Seabin, which collects plastic waste from the sea thereby helping to reduce seaside pollution.
Find out more about the PlasticLess project >>
Life gate

Zero Impact Web

Tutti i siti internet del Gruppo doBank aderiscono a Zero Impact® Web, il progetto di LifeGate che consente di ridurre l’impatto ambientale derivante dall’utilizzo di internet.
Il Gruppo compensa le emissioni di anidride carbonica derivanti dalle visite sui propri siti web contribuendo alla creazione e tutela di foreste in crescita.