Sustainable consumption
Sustainable consumption

Sustainable consumption

We are ready to take concrete actions so that future generations can count on a cleaner, more liveable and more sustainable planet.

The responsible approach to the environment is reflected in the business and operational model of the doValue Group.
doValue’s commitment to reduce the consumption of materials and to purchase materials with sustainability characteristics for office activities was confirmed by the Group by achieving the Sustainability Plan target: purchasing paper 100% with sustainability characteristics (FSC, PEFC or EcoLabel certified) within 2022.
Furthermore, in order to make its commitment to the environment more concrete, the “Guidelines on environmental issues” were drawn up in 2021 with the aim of defining principles and good practices to be followed in daily behaviour.

1. Energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions
The Group promotes an efficient use of energy resources in order to improve energy sustainability and to enhance environmental management systems.
The Group’s energy consumption is mainly related to the use of lighting, heating and air-conditioning systems serving the offices, and the operation of the data centre and server rooms.
In continuity with what has been defined for the years 2022, the Group has continued its efforts to make its energy consumption more efficient, improving its energy sustainability.

Energy consumption within the organisation*
UdM 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Natural gas GJ 1,956 3,056 14,532 5,548 6,760
Diesel consumption for fleet** GJ 4,450 2,000 1,446 1,981 1,310
Petrol consumption for fleet GJ 714 694 598 62 87
Electricity purchased GJ 18,076 19,145 18,420 15,224 15,623
of which from renewable sources (purchased) GJ 14,456 15.804 15,908 6,395 7,183
% renewable of the total % 80% 83% 86% 42% 46%
Total energy consumed within the organisation GJ 25,197 34,015 34,997 22,815 23,781
Energy intensity***            
Energy intensity compared to total consumption GJ/average no. employees 10,07 9,09 12,83 8,24 12,15
Energy intensity compared to natural gas consumption GJ/average no. employees 0,72 1,06 5,22 2,00 3,45
Energy intensity compared to diesel consumption GJ/average no. employees 2,34 1,04 0,70 0,72 0,67
Energy intensity compared to petrol consumption GJ/average no. employees 0,38 0,36 0,29 0,02 0,04
Energy intensity compared to purchased
electricity consumption
GJ/average no. employees 6,64 6,64 6,63 5,49 7,98
Energy intensity compared to the consumption
of electricity purchased from renewable sources
GJ/average no. employees 5,31 5,48 5,72 2,32 3,67

* Unless otherwise specified, the data refer to Italy, Greece and Spain. For the Portuguese company Altamira, energy consumption is considered as non-material (approx. 3% headcount), while for Cyprus, the consumption data for the office buildings are not available as they are not held or controlled by the company.
** In the reporting year, the scope was extended to include the consumption of the Italy, Spain and Cyprus fleets. With reference to the Italian car fleet, it should be noted that the 2021 consumption has been estimated on the basis of the 2020 consumption, since the data referring to the actual mileage are not in the company's possession or control.
*** The energy intensities have been calculated taking into account the different scopes in terms of average number of employees for consumption related to office buildings and car fleet.

The following table presents the data relating to emissions (Scope 1 - Direct Emissions, and Scope 2 - Indirect Emissions linked to Energy Usage).

Emissions  UdM 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Direct emissions (Scope 1)            
Natural gas tCO2e 115 180 850 283 345.239
Diesel for fleet tCO2e 327 147 106 139 92
Petrol for fleet tCO2e 52 50 41 4 6
Petrol electric hybrid tCO2e - - - 1 -
Refrigerant gases used for air conditioning tCO2e - - - 6 -
Total tCO2e 494 377 1,000 434 443,043
Indirect emissions (Scope 2)            
Electricity purchased from the network (Location-based emissions)
tCO2e 1,089 1,963 1,943 1,623 1,431,16
Electricity purchased from the network (Market-based emissions) tCO2e 277 279 267 1,577 1,093,51
GHG tCO2e emissions/average no. employees            
Direct emissions tCO2e/average no.
0,2413 0,1647 0,3778 0,156729 0,22645
Indirect emissions (location-based) tCO2e/average no.
0,6648 0,6804 0,6987 0,585947 0,73149
Indirect emissions (market-based) tCO2e/average no.
0,1016 0,0967 0,0959 0,569139 0,55891
Conversion factors UdM 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Natural Gas Emission Factor - Source: DEFRA 2021, 2020, 2019 respectively for the reporting periods 2021, 2020 and 2019 kgCO2 e/ kWh 0,1843 0,1839 0,1832 0,1839 0,1838
Diesel & Petrol Emission Factor - Source: ISPRA 2019 for the 2021 data, DEFRA 2020 for the 2020 data and to estimate the Italian car fleet kgCO2 e/ kWh Specific emission factors were considered for each category of car Specific emission factors were considered for each category of car Specific emission factors were considered for each category of car Specific emission factors were considered for each category of car -
Terna – 2019, 2018 and 2017 international comparisons respectively for the 2021, 2020 and 2019 reporting periods kgCO2 e/ kWh 0,315 (Italia) 0,428 (Grecia) 0,210 (Spagna) 0.315 (Italy)
0.428 (Greece) 0.210 (Spain)
0.315 (Italy)
0.428 (Greece) 0.210 (Spain)
0.336 (Italy)
0.475 (Greece) 0.255 (Spain)
0.359 (Italy)
0.498 (Greece) 0.296 (Spain)
European Residual Mixes 2018 for the 2020 and 2019 data, Mixes 2019 for the 2021 data kgCO2 e/ kWh 0,457 (Italia) 0,531 (Grecia) 0,275 (Spagna) 0,458 (Italia) 0,490 (Grecia) 0,286 (Spagna 0,465 (Italy)
0,577 (Greece) 0,342 (Spain)
0,487 (Italy)
0,696 (Greece) 0,451 (Spain)
0,487 (Italy)
0,696 (Greece) 0,451 (Spain)

2. Scope 3 consumption
As part of the monitoring and containment of energy consumption and emissions, the Group pays attention to optimising and reducing consumption and atmospheric pollution.
In its quest for increasingly complete non-financial reporting in line with the best market practices, the doValue Group has enhanced its FY21 reporting with a first exercise to extend the calculation of Scope 3 emissions to the total scope. This is referred to as an extension, and not as an ex novo exercise, due to the fact that in order to comply with the requirements of Spanish Law 11/2018, some categories of Scope 3 emissions have already been reported in the two previous reporting periods with reference to the Spain scope.
The “other indirect GHG emissions (Scope 3)” as defined by the GHG Protocol5 guidelines, are emissions from an organisation’s activities, from sources not owned or controlled by the organisation itself, including emissions both upstream and downstream of the production and supply processes of activities and services.
With reference to the Group, the processes that determine emissions relating to the provision of the Group’s predominantly intellectual services were therefore investigated, i.e., emissions deriving from business trips and travel by air and rail.

The emissions reported relate to the entire Group scope, calculated using the fuel-based method and compared with the 2021 data already reported in the NFS of the previous reporting year. Mileage data are provided, for all companies, directly by the agencies the entities rely on to organise their busi- ness trips


  UdM 2023 2022 2021 2020
Other emissions (Scope 3)          
Indirect emissions related to business travel – plane tCO2e 147,65 136,93 82,99 86,83
Indirect emissions related to business travel – train tCO2e 36,69 23,04 18,84 18,49
Indirect emissions related to business travel – Total tCO2e 184,35 159,97 101,82 105,32
GHG tCO2 e emissions / average no. employees          
Indirect emissions related to business travel – Total tCO2 e/ average no. employees 0,06 0,05 0,03 0,14


Conversion factors UdM 2023 2022   2021 2020
Natural Gas Emission Factor - Source: DEFRA 2020, 2019
respectively for the reporting periods 2021 and 2020
kgCO2 e/ kWh

0,17580 (plane)
0,035463 (train)

0,18362 (plane)
0,03549 (train)
0,18362 (plane)
0,03549 (train)
0,18181 (plane)
0,03694 (train)

As the table shows, in 2023, emissions saw an increase in terms of absolute values, particularly the intensity related to the average number of employees, in any case, of modest entity. At the LEs level, the higher specific weight relates to the resumption of the parent company's post-Covid activities, which during 2022 led to a greater operational capillarity and an increase in transfers, above all by air carriers.

3. Consumption of materials
Although the type of business involves limited environmental impacts, doValue is constantly committed to reducing the consumption of materials (mainly office materials) also through the promotion and dissemination of virtuous practices both among employees and in business relationships.

Materials used by weight
or volume *
UoM 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Paper Kg 27,883 29,941 35,735 16,793 59,271
Toners, cartridges and stationery
(envelopes, folders, binders, boxes, labels, signature books, return receipt postcards)
Kg 959 514 14,207 1,181 16,298

* For the year 2021, the scope was extended to include Italy, Greece, Spain and Cyprus. For the Altamira company in Portugal (about 3% headcount), the consumption of materials was not considered significant. The data from the previous years refer to Italy, Greece and Spain.

In addition the Group supports initiatives aimed at reducing plastic consumption in offices. 

4. Waste production and disposal
The doValue Group adopt responsible behaviour with regard to the production and disposal of waste, which are in any case related only to office activities, promoting among employees virtuous behaviour concerning the differentiation of office waste.
This responsibility is expressed in compliance with the regulations in force within the countries in which the Group operates and in the dissemination of good practices that employees are called upon to adopt in their daily work.

Waste * UoM 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Total waste produced Kg 13,735 78,420 48,129 12,041 7,772
of which hazardous Kg 120 578 730 561 -
of which not hazardous Kg 13,615 77,842 47,399 11,480 7,772

*The 2020 data refer only to the Italian companies and Spanish company of the Group, for the first time included in the calculation since the company refined its calculation methods in this area in 2020 to reconsider the materiality of the data. The data from previous years refer only to the Italian companies and doValue Hellas.
Waste production amounted to in 2023, waste production amounted to 13,735 kg, compared to 78,420 kg in 2022, a significant decrease compared to the previous reporting year.